Category : INTENSE-TBM | Date : Avr 1, 2021
First site opened in South Africa
On 1st April 2021, the ANRS, sponsor of the ANRS 12398 INTENSE-TBM trial, granted authorisation for the opening of the first site in Cap Town, South Africa: Mitchells Plain Hospital.
After many months of fruitful and intense preparation of the trial in South Africa, the first opening visit took place in Cap Town on 30 March 2021.
17 members of the national coordination team (University of Cap Town) and the site team participated to the opening visit.
The international coordination team joined the visit remotely,
Thanks to the promoter’s great availability, authorization to start inclusions at Mitchells Plain Hospital was granted by ANRS on 1st April 2021.
We are now looking forward to the first inclusion with great enthusiasm.

Mitchells Plain Hospital