Category : INTENSE-TBM | Date : Juin 7, 2024

INTENSE-TBM 9th General Assembly in Geneva

The 9th INTENSE-TBM General Assembly Meeting has been hosted by the University of Geneva (co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Alexandra Calmy) from 6 to 8 June 2024.

At a time that 535 participants out of 768 were being randomized in the clinical trial, the General Assembly brought together 25 face-to-face attendees, including 2 external experts, over 3 days.

All the countries in which the trial is taking place were represented: Côte d’Ivoire, South Africa, Madagascar and Uganda. Partners from France and Spain were also present, allowing extensive discussion about:
– Scientific update on TB and TBM
– General trial status
– Independent Committee feedback
– Progress in the countries
– Dissemination
– Administrative issues (budget, payments)

The General Assembly is the decisional body of the Projet. It makes sure that the Project is implemented properly according to the initial Project Plan, not only scientifically but also clinically and ethically, and taking into account the required adjustments when need be.
It ensures the correct implementation of the Project and compliance with the protocol and the Standard Operational Procedure of the Sponsor. It identifies strategic opportunities in a timeline shaping the scientific side of the Project.
It keeps contact with the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) and will make sure that investigators and other trial personnel have access to up‐to‐date information.