Category : INTENSE-TBM | Date : Fév 7, 2021
!! Two first participants included in Ivory Coast and Madagascar !!
Early February 2020, the first participants to the ANRS 12398 INTENSE-TBM trial were included in Madagascar and Ivory Coast.
Only a few days after the opening of the first two clinical sites in Madagascar and Ivory Coast, each country included its first participant, for a 9-month follow-up.
This is the beginning of a long and exciting way, with the objective of including 768 participants in the INTENSE-TBM trial.
Very soon, South Africa and Uganda will join Ivory Coast and Madagascar to open their first clinical sites.

Ivory Coast
- Programme PAC-CI
- Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales (SMIT) – Hôpital de Treichville
- Centre de Diagnostic et de Recherche sur le SIDA et les autres maladies infectieuses (CeDReS)
- Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux (CICM)
- Hôpital Universitaire Joseph Raseta Befelatanana
- Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM)